
vinyl wraps Pick a Starting Point

vinyl wraps

It is suggested to begin working on the paint finish by working on a small portion (about 2 ft. x 2 ft.) at one time. vinyl wraps Pick any spot like the left front or the front right, to begin. Continue working in a circular manner by going through each section until you get to the finish. Spray the Lubricant Spray a large amount of lubricant for clay bars onto your car's surface. vinyl wraps The lubricant won't harm the surface of your car, but the clay bar can cause damage, so more in this case. Clay the Vehicle After your car paint is completely lubricated, grab the synthetic clay bar or mitt, vinyl wraps and gently rub it back and forth across the surface. The bar or mitt should be grabbing/picking up paint. vinyl wraps Continue to move the mitt or clay bar both forward and backwards over the vehicle until grip begins to decrease. You can add more lubricant as needed. Verify Your Work When you've completed each part, vinyl wraps you'll need to use the bag test that was mentioned earlier on that section to make sure you're done. To avoid getting ahead of yourself, vinyl wraps make sure you complete this test after each section.

Car Wrapping

Rinse and Wash the vehicle After the clay bar treatment kit or mitt is finished, vinyl wraps I would recommend cleaning your car using a premium car shampoo that is pH neutral. vinyl wraps Clay lubricant spray consists of concentrated car shampoo, vinyl wraps near me which is diluted to 4:1. This can result in a lot of soap residue on your vehicle's surface. To prevent damage, take time to complete an entire two-bucket-method car wash. vinyl wraps This will ensure that any residuals are completely removed from the car's surface. Are you unsure about making your own clay bar treatment Do you think about using a professional auto salon While it seems easy enough but clay barring isn't suitable for everyone. vinyl wraps Clay barring can cause damage to your vehicle's transparent coating and other materials in the event that you are using excessive amounts of lubricant or clay discs with excessively rough texture.

vinyl wraps